Bacterial Adaptation & Response Networks
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Tocheva Lab Publications

For a full list of publications, click here

1. Vincent AT, Nyongesa S, Morneau I, Reed MB, Tocheva EI, Veyrier FJ. 2018. The mycobacterial cell envelope: a relict from the past or the result of recent evolution? Frontiers in Microbiology. 9:2341.
2. Dobro MJ, Oikonomou CM, Piper A, Cohen J, Guo K, Jensen T, Tadayon J, Donermeyer J, Park Y, Solis BA, Kjær A, Jewett AI, McDowall AW, Chen S, Chang YW, Shi J, Subramanian P, Iancu CV, Li Z, Briegel A, Tocheva EI, Pilhofer M, Jensen GJ. 2017. Uncharacterized bacterial structures revealed by electron cryotomography. J Bacteriol. Doi: 10.1128/JB.00100-17
3. Racki LR, Tocheva EI, Dieterle MG, Sullivan MC, Jensen GJ, Newman DK. 2017. Polyphosphate granule biogenesis is temporally and functionally tied to cell cycle exit during starvation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PNAS. 114(12):E2440-E2449.
4. Tocheva EI*, Ortega DR, Jensen GJ*. 2016. Sporulation, bacterial cell envelopes, and the origin of life. Nat Rev Microbiol. 14:535-542.
o Tocheva EI, Ortega DR, Jensen GJ. 2016. Author’s reply to commentary. Nat Rev Microbiol. 14(9):600
5. Tavormina PL, Kellermann MY, Antony CP, Tocheva EI, Dalleska N, Jensen AJ, Valentine DL, Hinrichs KU, Jensen GJ, Dubilier N, Orphan VJ. 2016. Starvation and recovery in the deep-sea methanotroph Methyloprofundus sediment. Mol Microbiol. 103:242-252.
6. Jani C, Tocheva EI, McAuley S, Craney A, Jensen GJ, Nodwell J. 2014. Streptomyces: A screening tool for bacterial cell division inhibitors. J Biomol Screen. 20:275-284 7. Chang Y, Chen S, Tocheva EI, Löbach S, Søgaard-Andersen L, Jensen GJ. 2014. Correlated cryogenic photoactivated localization microscopy and electron cryotomography. Nat Methods. 11(7):737-9
8. Tocheva EI, Matson EG, Cheng SN, Chen WG, Leadbetter JR, Jensen GJ. 2014. Structure and expression of propanediol utilization microcompartments in Acetonema longum. J Bacteriol. 196:1651-8.
9. Tocheva EI, Dekas AE, McGlynn SE, Morris D, Orphan VJ, Jensen GJ. 2013. Polyphosphate storage during sporulation in the Gram-negative bacterium Acetonema longum. J Bacteriol. 195(17):3940-6.
10. Tocheva EI, Lopez-Garrido J, Hughes HV, Fredlund J, Kuru E, VanNieuwenhze MS, Brun YV, Pogliano
K, Jensen GJ. 2013. Peptidoglycan transformations during Bacillus subtilis sporulation. Mol Microbiol.
o Highlighted by Dr. D. Popham in MicroCommentary “Visualizing the production and arrangement of peptidoglycan in Gram-positive cells”. 2013. Mol Microbiol.

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Bacterial Adaptation & Response Networks
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