Bacterial Adaptation & Response Networks

Fernandez Lab Publications

Marr N, Oliver DC, Laurent V, Poolman J, Denoël P, Fernandez RC. 2008. Protective activity of the Bordetella pertussis BrkA autotransporter in the murine lung colonization model. Vaccine 26:4306-11. [Abstract]

Marr N, Tirsoaga A, Blanot D, Fernandez R, Caroff M. 2008. Glucosamine found as a substituent of both phosphate groups in Bordetella lipid A backbones: role of a BvgAS-activated ArnT ortholog. J. Bacteriol.  190:4281-90. [Abstract]

Yen YT, Karkal A, Bhattacharya M, Fernandez RC, Stathopoulos C. 2007. Identification and characterization of autotransporter proteins of Yersinis pestis KIM. Mol. Membr. Biol. 24:28-40. [Abstract]

Marr N, Luu RA, Fernandez RC. 2007. Bordetella pertussis binds human C1 esterase inhibitor during the virulent phase, to evade complement-mediated killing. J. Infect. Dis. 195:585-8. [Abstract]

Economou A, Christie PJ, Fernandez RC, Palmer T, Plano GV, Pugsley AP. 2006. Secretion by numbers: Protein traffic in prokaryotes. Mol. Microbiol. 62: 308-19. Review. [Abstract]

Henderson IR, Navarro-Garcia F, Desvaux M, Fernandez RC, Ala’Aldeen D. 2004. Type V protein secretion pathway: the autotransporter story. Microbiol Mol Biol Rev. 68:692-744. Review. [Abstract]

Oliver, D.C., G. Huang, E. Nodel, S. Pleasance and R.C. Fernandez. 2003. A conserved region within the Bordetella pertussis autotransporter BrkA is necessary for folding of its passenger domain. Molecular Microbiology 47:1367-1383. [Abstract]

Oliver, D. C., G. Huang and R.C. Fernandez. 2003. Identification of secretion determinants of the Bordetella pertussis BrkA autotransporter. J. Bacteriol. 185:489-495. [Abstract]

Malloff, C., E. Dullaghan, A. Li, R. Stokes, R. Fernandez, and W. Lam. 2003. Two-dimensional DNA displays for comparisons of bacterial genomes. Biol. Proced. Online 5:143-152. [Abstract]

Brinkman, F.S.L., J.L. Blanchard, A. Cherkasov, Y. Av-Gay, R.C. Brunham, R. C. Fernandez, B. B. Finlay, S.P. Otto, B.F.Ouellette, P. Keeling, A.M. Rose, R.E.W. Hancock, S.J.M. Jones. 2002. Evidence that plant-like genes in Chlamydia species reflect an ancestral relationship between Chlamydiaceae, cyanobacteria and the chloroplast. Genome Res. 12:1159-1167. [Abstract]

Malloff, C., R.C. Fernandez, E. M. Dullaghan, R. W. Stokes, and W.L. Lam. 2002. Two-dimensional display and whole genome comparison of bacterial pathogen genomes of high G + C DNA content. Gene 293:205-211. [Abstract]
Oliver, D.C., and R.C. Fernandez. 2001. Antibodies to BrkA augment killing of Bordetella pertussis. Vaccine 20:235-241. [Abstract]

Malloff, C.A., R.C. Fernandez, and W.L.Lam. 2001. Bacterial Comparative Genomic Hybridization: A Method for Directly Identifying Lateral Gene Transfer. J. Mol. Biol. 312:1-5. [Abstract]

Shannon, J.L. and R. C. Fernandez. The C-terminal Domain of the Bordetella pertussis Autotransporter BrkA Forms a Pore in Lipid Bilayer Membranes. 1999. J. Bacteriol. 181:5838-5842. [Abstract]

Weiss, A.A., P.S. Mobberley, R.C. Fernandez, and C.M. Mink. 1999. Characterization of Human Bactericidal Antibodies to Bordetella pertussis. Infect. Immun. 67:1424-31. [Abstract]

Fernandez, R.C., and A.A. Weiss. Serum Resistance in Bvg-regulated Mutants of Bordetella pertussis. 1998. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 163:57-63. [Abstract]

Fernandez, R.C., and A.A. Weiss. 1996. Susceptibilities of Bordetella pertussis strains to Antimicrobial Peptides. <abbr title=”Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy”>Antimicrob Agents Chemother</abbr>. 40:1041-1043. [Abstract]

Fernandez, R.C., and A.A. Weiss. 1995. Cloning and Sequencing of the Bordetella pertussis cpn10/cpn60 (groESL) homolog. Gene 158:151-152. [Abstract]

Fernandez, R. C., and A. A. Weiss. 1994. Cloning and Sequencing of a Bordetella pertussis Serum Resistance Locus. Infect. Immun. 62:4727-4738. [Abstract]

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